

The tuning for Oppo UHD players UDP203 & 205 is now available.


This upgrade sets new standards in the UHD sector in terms of quality, completely redefining the image and sound for Ultra HD Blu-ray. Numerous modifications to the power supply and the mainboard result in unprecedented image sharpness and color intensity, making top discs like the latest X-Men appear almost photorealistic. The dynamics, resolution, and differentiation of the HDMI sound with the Ultimate Modification surpass our previous Blu-ray reference UD7007CM4 in all disciplines.

We offer three modification levels:

Level 1 includes a basic optimization of the device, including power supply modification, filtering and buffering of the main voltages on the mainboard, and optimization of the drive control. In Level 2, the power supply filtering is further enhanced, and a significantly higher effort is made on the mainboard, up to the replacement of the SMD 0402 filters around the main processor.

The Ultimate Modification incorporates insights from 10 months of further development, making the Oppo the absolute reference device. Here, additional previously untouched areas of the player are optimized, including the replacement of the clocks.

Demonstration appointments can be arranged at any time. The current waiting time is approximately 4 weeks.

Qualitativ setzt der Player damit im UHD Bereich neue Maßstäbe und definiert Bild und Ton für Ultra HD Bluray völlig neu. Durch zahlreiche Modifikationen im Netzteilbereich und am Mainboard erreicht das Gerät eine nie gesehene Bildschärfe und Farbkraft, was bei Top Scheiben wie dem letzten XMen fast schon fotorealistisch wirkt. Dynamik, Auflösung und Differenzierung des HDMI Tons überflügeln mit der Ultimate Modikation unsere bisherige Bluray Referenz UD7007CM4 in allen Disziplinen.

Wir bieten 3 Modifikationsstufen an:

Stufe 1 umfasst eine grundlegende Optimierung des Gerätes inkl. Modifikation des Netzteils, Filterung & Pufferung der wichtigsten Spannungen auf dem Mainboard und Optimierung der Laufwerksansteurung. Bei der Stufe 2 wird die Netzfilterung weiter ergänzt und auf dem Mainboard ein wesentlich höherer Aufwand, bishin zum Austausch der SMD 0402 Filter um den Hauptprozessor, betrieben.

In der Ultimate Modifikation stecken nun die Erkenntnisse aus 10 Monaten weiterer Entwicklung, die den Oppo nun zum absoluten Referenz-Gerät machen. Hier werden weitere bisher unangetastete Bereiche des Players optimiert. U.a. auch der Austausch der Clocks.

Demotermine können jederzeit vereinbart werden. Die momentane Wartezeit beträgt ca. 4 Wochen.

Final Edition Upgrade 2020

The Cinemike Final Edition modification is now available for the 20x Oppos. This last tuning stage incorporates all new insights and component combinations since the completion of the Ultimate Modification 1.5 years ago. Large parts of the mainboard modification, especially the area of local voltage regulators, have been reconsidered, and their entire circuitry/filtering has been replaced. Even when updating an Ultimate Player, over 100 SMD components are replaced.

The player performs even more precisely and with greater detail with the Final Edition modification. The image performance has also been further improved.

Oppo UDP-203 & 205

Cinemike Edition




Questions & Orders:


Your Benefits When Buying as a Complete Device:


  • 24-month Cinemike device warranty

    Base device at the best price

Oppo UDP-203/205

Stage 1


+ Base Unit


The modification includes:


Power Supply: (22 modifications)
  • Improvement of input filtering
  • Adjustment of the filter stage circuit layout
  • Additional filtering of the supply line
  • Replacement of all buffer capacitors
  • Additional filtering of the main regulator
  • Additional output filtering


Mainboard: (18 modifications)
  • Stabilization & filtering of input voltage
  • Stabilization & filtering of local voltages
  • Stabilization & filtering of drive control


=40 modifications


Oppo UDP-203/205

Stage 2


+ Base Unit


The modification includes:


Power Supply: (39 modifications)
  • Improvement of input filtering
  • Adjustment of the filter stage circuit layout
  • Additional filtering stage
  • Additional filtering of the supply line
  • Replacement of all buffer capacitors
  • Zusätzliche Filterung des Haupt-Reglers
  • Additional filtering of the main regulator
  • Replacement of the inlet
  • Replacement of the fine fuse
  • 205 only: Shielding of transformer supply line
  • 205 only: Filtering of feedback to the analog board


Mainboard: (49 modifications)
  • Stabilization & filtering of input voltage
  • Stabilization & filtering of local voltages
  • Stabilization & filtering of drive control
  • Extensive modification of the main chip filtering


=88 modifications


Oppo UDP-203/205

Final Edition


+ Base Unit


The modification includes:


Power Supply: (48 modifications)
  • Improvement of input filtering
  • Adjustment of the filter stage circuit layout
  • Additional filtering stage
  • Additional filtering of the supply line
  • Replacement of all buffer capacitors
  • Austausch Gleichrichtung & Beschaltung
  • Additional filtering of the main regulator
  • Additional output filtering
  • Replacement of the inlet
  • Replacement of the fine fuse
  • 205 only: Shielding of transformer supply line
  • 205 only: Filtering of feedback to the analog board


Mainboard: (147 modifications)
  • Stabilization & filtering of input voltage
  • Stabilization & filtering of local voltage regulators
  • Stabilization & filtering of drive control
  • Extensive modification of main chip filtering
  • Extensive modification of drive chip filtering
  • Extensive modification of HDMI filtering
  • Replacement of main & drive clocks + circuitry


Drive: (7 modifications)
  • Additional filtering and stabilization of the laser pickup
  • Damping of the drive housing


Display Board: (9 modifications)
  • Additional filtering and stabilization of the display
  • Filtering and stabilization of USB ports


=211 modifications


In addition, we offer extensive modifications for the two analog boards of the UDP-205.


This includes optimizing the filtering and stabilization of the analog and DAC power supply, as well as replacing components in the analog path.

Also adjusted is the SMD-based output filtering.


The device sounds much more balanced afterward, with increased resolution and dynamics, making it also very suitable as a minimalist AV preamplifier.

Oppo UDP-205

Analog Stereo


+ at least Stage 1 & base unit


The modification includes:


Analog Stereo Board: (44 modifications)
  • Replacement of signal capacitors
  • Replacement of OP-amp supply
  • Replacement & expansion of signal filtering
  • Filtering & stabilization of local regulators
  • Adjustment and expansion of DAC circuitry

Oppo UDP-205

Analog 7.1


+ at least Stage 1 & base unit


Die Modifikation beinhaltet:


The modification includes:

  • Replacement of signal capacitors
  • Replacement of OP-amp supply
  • Replacement & expansion of signal filtering
  • Filtering & stabilization of local regulators
  • Adjustment and expansion of DAC circuitry

Optimized Settings for Cinemike Oppos:

Here you will find the optimal settings we have identified for maximum video & audio quality:

These settings are based on firmware version 20XEU-60-0625. We recommend performing a factory reset after each update! All settings not listed here remain at factory defaults.


Video Output:

  • Resolution: "Source Direct"
  • Resolution Selection: "1080P Auto"
  • Color Space: "YCbCr 4:2:2"

The player performs best when it applies minimal processing. For almost all content, we use "Source Direct". Only for discs with interlaced content (576i, 1080i, etc.), we switch to the pre-selected 1080P Auto resolution using the resolution button.


Audio Output Setup:

  • HDMI Audio Format: "Bitstream"

Since the last update, this setting sounds better than the "Auto" setting ;-)


Audio Processing:

  • Dynamic Range Control: "Off"
  • Filter Characteristic: "Min-Phase-Slow"
  • Speaker Configuration: All speakers set to Large / 7.1 Downmix
  • Crossover Frequency: "250 Hz"
  • Stereo Signal: "Front L/R" (Only for 205)

Again, these settings aim to minimize processing/computational load. These settings significantly affect performance in purely digital output scenarios, and the difference is noticeable in an optimized setup with modified players. If using analog outputs, adjust settings accordingly to your setup